Project Detail/Scope:
Study, Design and Construction of 400 kV Transmission line from New Butwal Kohalpur, Surkhet and Upper Karnali.
Started from 2073/74 and expected to completed on 2080/81.
Project Objective and Goals:
Study, Detail Design, Construction and land acquisition for 400 kV Transmission line from New Butwal Kohalpur ,Surkhet and Upper Karnali.
Contract Packages:
Package 1:
Awarded: ELC Electroconsult S.p.A
Contract Detail:
Scope: Engineering and Environmental Study of Kohalpur-Surkhet- Upper Karnali 400 kV Transmission Line and Kohalpur-New Butwal 400 kV Transmission Line.
IFB Publication Data: 12 February 2017.
Contract Agreement Date: 12 January 2018
Contract Completion Date: 15 Month from date of Advance.
Cost of Contract:USD 1,377,206.53 . NRR 8,6005,419.50
Major Activities: Engineering and Environmental Study of 400 kV Transmission line.